Ya sabemos que los costes de una boda son altísimos, por eso he estado buscando algunos DIY en la red, para que os pongáis manos a la obra vosotras mismas. Si te organizas con tiempo, y consigues ayuda de tu hermana o amigas, podrás llevar a cabo pequeños proyectos, que podrán hacerte ahorrar grandes costes, ya sé que con el estrés de una boda es difícil organizarse , y querer hacer cosillas, pero si te organizas y buscas ayuda , podrás aprovechar tus ratos libres. Ojalá os sea de provecho!! xoxo
Hello everyone ! this is the last of three post . I want to give you some ideas about DIY projects that you can do at home with a little help.
These are small details that can save you huge money, I know that organizing a wedding its very stressing and can wear you out , but with a little planning it can be fun.
Here I posted some very handy links , there , you´ll find absolutly fabulous DIY ideas for that very special day.
Gotitas de limón - Lemon drops
Cajitas de regalo con un toque original - favor box
Love chocolate and weddings ( en español )
En ésta web puedes encontrar un montón de ideas fáciles.
In this place you can find lots of easy DIY ideas.
Ideas para organizar el "seating" de tu boda
Encuéntralo en Style me pretty
Organizing the seating
Find it on Style me pretty
Ideas para el banquete
mesa dulce Cakes haute couture
Dessert table
Tartas Peggy Porschen
Peggy Porschen cakes
Ideas de decoraciones para exteriores
Wedding outdoor decoration ideas
Alcachofa de papel Imeon designs
Paper artichoke table decoration
Mesa dulce Amy Atlas
Dessert table by Amy Atlas
Mesa de postres rústica
Rustic dessert table
Qué maravilla, si dan ganas de volver a pasar por el altar solo por detalles así.
ResponderEliminarLove the ideas!!! Beautiful weddings!
Thank you Sophia! xoxo
That's a really inspiring selection: I love it very much!
ResponderEliminarI'm a new follower and thank you very much for your comment on my last post ;)))
Gracias por visitar y seguir mi blog. Por supuesto tb te sigo. Felicidades por tu bonito rincòn. Bss guapa.
hi! your blog is great!
ResponderEliminardo you want to follow each other?
let me know ^ _ ^
I follow you right from now!!!! xoxo
Those pictures of macaroons just blew me away! So pretty, pink, girly. Perfect for a wedding. We have amazing wedding shows here in Canada. It's a big industry.
ResponderEliminarI am also a blogger, but I mainly focus on the fashion of legwear. What about a post on lovely stockings for the bride?
Hi Jessica!!! making a legwear post its a great idea!!! will do one, I love weddings! , maybe its because I dind´t have one ;)